Working with Us
The UCSF Hypoxia Labs works with a range of collaborators including research teams from UCSF and international universities, device manufacturers, product designers, leading global health authorities, regulatory bodies and more. Together, we conduct the highest quality research to help improve device safety and equity.
If you are interested in conducting a study with the UCSF Hypoxia Lab, please reach out to our clinical research coordination team. Please include the following emails in your inquiry:,
Information about setting up a study, our study protocols, and data collection processes can be found here.
Our Services
The Hypoxia Lab has numerous study protocols to test a variety of physiologic conditions relevant to medical diagnostics and monitoring devices including pulse oximetry, blood pressure, near-infrared spectroscopy, non-invasive hemoglobin, carbon monoxide, met-hemoglobin, cerebral blood flow, respiratory rate and more. Our protocols are designed to generate data suitable for submission to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for device approval. All studies are done with the institutional review board (IRB) approval of the UCSF Committee on Human Research.
Standard Pulse Oximeter Study
We determine the accuracy of pulse oximeters by exposing volunteers to short periods of low oxygen levels (75-100% SaO2) while monitoring how the oximeter responds. This helps us understand if these devices are accurate for everyone regardless of skin color during these low oxygen conditions.
Motion Testing
During pulse oximetry testing, we can include tools that mimic patient movements. These tools, which come from the manufacturer, are called motion fixtures. They help us simulate scenarios where a patient might be moving, allowing us to see how well the pulse oximeters perform in situations with motion during low oxygen conditions.
Carboxyhemoglobin Study
We assess pulse oximeters tailored for detecting carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), a hemoglobin type not carrying oxygen as usual. To ensure if pulse oximeters reliably detect elevated COHb levels during low-oxygen conditions, volunteers undergo brief low-oxygen exposure (75-100% SaO2) while we observe oximeter responses.
Methemoglobin Study
We assess pulse oximeters tailored for detecting methemoglobin (metHb), a hemoglobin type not carrying oxygen as usual. To ensure if pulse oximeters reliably detect elevated metHb levels during low-oxygen conditions, volunteers undergo brief low-oxygen exposure (75-100% SaO2) while we observe oximeter responses.
Low Perfusion Testing
With low perfusion testing, we can simulate low perfusion (reduced blood flow) using clamps or cuffs. We can also test in various body positions, like the Trendelenburg position. This allows us to examine how well devices perform under low oxygen conditions (75-100% SaO2) where blood flow may be limited or changed.
Cerebral Oximetry Study
We’re studying cerebral oximeters to gauge their accuracy in measuring brain oxygen levels. Comparing readings with direct blood measurements from the artery (SaO2) and jugular vein (SjvO2) helps us assess performance, particularly when arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO2) is between 70% and 100%.
Drug-Induced Apnea Testing
Using medications like Propofol and Remifentanil, we induce temporary breathing pauses (apneic events) to simulate opioid-related respiratory slowdown. The aim is to evaluate how effectively the oximeter combination can identify this reduced oxygen condition, crucial for monitoring patients in these specific medical situations.
Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Sensor Testing
We’re testing transcutaneous carbon dioxide sensors to see how well they monitor carbon dioxide levels in the blood. We’re examining their performance alone and when used with pulse oximetry and desaturation of oxyhemoglobin (a component of the blood that carries oxygen).
Neonatal Accuracy Testing
To ensure pulse oximeters work effectively in diverse scenarios, we test them on neonates undergoing heart surgery, where physiological conditions change. Multiple blood samples are taken, providing insights into oximeter performance amidst rapidly changing variables.
Profound Hemodilution Study
This study aims to assess the accuracy of new non-invasive pulse oximeters, measuring total blood hemoglobin without skin puncture. By temporarily removing and re-infusing blood in healthy volunteers (isovolemic hemodilution), we induce changes in hemoglobin concentration.